Time Difference of Arrival Passive Positioning Technology and Its Application Research in Table Tennis Ball Landing Spot Estimation


  • Zhang Jian and Huo Hong Author


—Table tennis placement estimation, TDOA, position accuracy.


Time Difference of Arrival positioning method is typical of passive positioning which has a high positioning accuracy, widely used in the military field. Therefore, this article will apply it to table tennis positioning estimation. The method needs at least three sensors to position two-dimensional target. This paper describes the principle of TDOA and six kinds of classical algorithms for target estimation. Direct Solution Algorithms is selected to estimate table tennis placement after comparing these algorithms. The relationships between positioning accuracy and geometric distribution of sensors are analyzed and simulated in order to optimize the positioning accuracy. Finally, two location schemes are proposed for table tennis placement estimation, and their respective positioning features are analyzed in this paper.


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How to Cite

Time Difference of Arrival Passive Positioning Technology and Its Application Research in Table Tennis Ball Landing Spot Estimation. (2024). International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, 13(3), 1-4. http://ijiee.org/index.php/ijiee/article/view/783