Experimental Study of Four Selective Code Smells Declining in Real Life Projects
Code smell, refactoring, detector and PMD.Abstract
Different types of codes which may increase the liability of bugs or defects in future to a system known as Code smell. These type of smell can be eliminated without changing the external outcome and modifying the internal structure of the system. There are existing several well known code smell detection tools which automatically identify the code smells. The research used PMD automatic code smell detector to find four code smells on various open source java projects. It uses 43 open source java projects and identify the selective smells to these projects. The experiment shows duplicate codes, unused imports, unused local variables and unused private methods are not present for 79%, 34.9%, 51.1%, and 86.04% projects respectively. In the paper, it also shows that the probability of
occurring duplicate codes, unused imports, unused local variables and unused private methods are respectively 4.5%, 71%, 20.4% and 4.1% which indicates the four selective code smells are declining in real life projects day by day.
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