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General Information
    • ISSN: 2010-3719 (Online)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Inf. Electron. Eng.
    • Frequency: Quarterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJIEE
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Chandratilak De Silva Liyanage
    • Executive Editor: Jennifer Zeng
    • Abstracting/ Indexing : Google Scholar, Electronic Journals Library, Crossref and ProQuest,  INSPEC (IET), EBSCO, CNKI.
    • E-mail ijiee@ejournal.net

University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam   
" It is a great honor to serve as the editor-in-chief of IJIEE. I'll work together with the editorial team. Hopefully, The value of IJIEE will be well recognized among the readers in the related field."

IJIEE 2011 Vol.1(3): 200-209 ISSN: 2010-3719
DOI: 10.7763/IJIEE.2011.V1.32

Requirement Engineering Critical Issues in Public Sector Software Project Success Factor

Zakaria N H, Haron A, Sahibuddin S and Harun M

Abstract—Requirements engineering is an important component of effective software engineering. The existing literature suggests that effective requirement engineering can lead to improved productivity, quality, and risk management. More research is needed to explain benefits of implementing the RE process to software project development. This finding is part of our research in developing requirement engineering best practices. It is targeted to organizations who want to apply requirement engineering process in their software project development. The development team who are responsible in gathering requirements should understand in depth about the RE process. The new RE Process model for the public sector is defined. This RE model will be implemented by the actors identified. We determine appropriate software project success factor for the organization. There are seven software project success factors that contribute to the development of software projects particularly in Malaysia’s Public Sector. We determine general issues that are related to software project success factor (SPSF). A pilot test was conducted with IT Manager in Malaysian Public Sectors. The result shows, the respondent mediums agree with the business rules, business process and manager is SPSF. They neutral agree with technology, stakeholder and developer is SPSF. We derived the SPSF to the critical issues mainly for developing best practice for software projects requirement in software project development.

Index Terms—Requirement engineering, requirement engineering process, software project management, software project requirement, software project success factor, software project issues, requirement engineering critical issues.

N. H. Zakaria is with Information System and Computer Science Faculty, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor Bharu, Malaysia (e-mail: hawaniah@utm.my).
A. Haron is with the Public Service Department, Malaysia (e-mail: azlena.haron@yahoo.com).
S. Sahibuddin is with Advanced Informatics School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 54100 WP (e-mail: shamsul@utm.my)
M. Harun is with the National Institute of Public Adminstration (INTAN),Public Service Department, Malaysia (e-mail: drmazlan@intanbk.intan.my).


Cite: Zakaria N H, Haron A, Sahibuddin S and Harun M, "Requirement Engineering Critical Issues in Public Sector Software Project Success Factor," International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 200-209, 2011.

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