Abstract—With the development of medical technology and informationtechnology, the “personal health records (PHR)” is gradually developed as a up-to-date medical information exchange system. Aproper patient-centered PHR systemis able tooffer correct and complete personal health and medical summary through the Internet under the demands of privacy and security, and integrate personal medicalinformation from different sources. With the appearance of Cloud computing, a secure protection scheme is required to encrypt the medical records of each patient for storing personal health records into Cloud server. Therefore, we proposed in this study a new PHR access control scheme based on Lagrange interpolation polynomial under Cloud computing environments. This proposed scheme provides legitimate authorities to access to PHR, and dynamically supports multi-users in Cloud computing environments with personal privacy.
Index Terms—Personal health records, cloud computing, access control, key management, Lagrange interpolation.
Chia-Hui Liu is with the Department of Digital Literature and Arts, St. John’s University, Taipei, Taiwan (e-mail: chliu@thu.edu.tw).
Tzer-Long Chen is with the Department of Information Management, Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (e-mail: indurains5@yahoo.com.tw).
Han-Yu Lin, Chih-Ming Liu and Yu-Fang Chung are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan (e-mail: kokokoko93lin@gmail.com, orsche_218@hotmail.com, yfchung@thu.edu.tw).
Fong-Qi Lin, En-Ping Wu, Tzer-Shyong Chen are with the Department of Information Management, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan (e-mail: tonebeta@gmail.com, s974916@thu.edu.tw, arden@thu.edu.tw).
Cite: Chia-Hui Liu, Tzer-Long Chen, Han-Yu Lin, Fong-Qi Lin, Chih-Ming Liu, En-Ping Wu, Yu-Fang Chung, and Tzer-Shyong Chen, "Secure PHR Access Control Scheme in Cloud Computing," International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 329-333, 2013.