A Power Supply Consists of the DC-DC Boost Converter and a Full-Bridge Inverter Circuits for a PZT Liquid Pump
Piezoelectric, boost converter, PZT, full bridge inverter, power supply.Abstract
Nowadays, most of the driving powers of PZT ( lead zirconate titanate ) pumps are large, less efficient, and high power consumption. This paper presents a new type of a driving power supply composed of the step-up inverter for a PZT liquid pump. In order to provide a square wave of ±40V and 50 Hz for a PZT liquid pump, this design used the MC34063 and NE555 integrated circuits to respectively fabricate a DCDC boost circuit as well as a full-bridge inverter circuit. The performance of the driving power supply is verified by the
theoretical statement and practical test. Besides, the liquid pump is composed of a PZT, elastomer pump valve, and PET ( Polyethylene terephthalate ) pump body, while the power, flow rate, body size and weight of the pump are 1 W, 800 ± 5% ml min-1, 50 × 50 × 10 mm., 50 gw, respectively. Furthermore, the PZT liquid pump is suitable for various fluids such as water, soda, alcohol, etc.
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