A Power Supply Consists of the DC-DC Boost Converter and a Full-Bridge Inverter Circuits for a PZT Liquid Pump


  • Chaoying Liu, Shiuan-Ho Chang, Ying Jun Chen, Xiahui Wang, Xin Yu, Z. Y. Xu, and Min Zhou Author


Piezoelectric, boost converter, PZT, full bridge inverter, power supply.


Nowadays, most of the driving powers of PZT ( lead zirconate titanate ) pumps are large, less efficient, and high power consumption. This paper presents a new type of a driving power supply composed of the step-up inverter for a PZT liquid pump. In order to provide a square wave of ±40V and 50 Hz for a PZT liquid pump, this design used the MC34063 and NE555 integrated circuits to respectively fabricate a DCDC boost circuit as well as a full-bridge inverter circuit. The performance of the driving power supply is verified by the 
theoretical statement and practical test. Besides, the liquid pump is composed of a PZT, elastomer pump valve, and PET ( Polyethylene terephthalate ) pump body, while the power, flow rate, body size and weight of the pump are 1 W, 800 ± 5% ml min-1, 50 × 50 × 10 mm., 50 gw, respectively. Furthermore, the PZT liquid pump is suitable for various fluids such as water, soda, alcohol, etc. 


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How to Cite

A Power Supply Consists of the DC-DC Boost Converter and a Full-Bridge Inverter Circuits for a PZT Liquid Pump . (2024). International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, 10(4), 1-4. http://ijiee.org/index.php/ijiee/article/view/767