NFC Based Student Control Application
Android, java, near field communication, mobile, radio frequencies.Abstract
In recent years, the studies have been going on for faster and more secure data transfer. With these studies, the world has turned to this area with multitude of mobile devices and a new technology which makes life easier has been developed. This technology is called Near Field Communication (NFC). NFC is the communication technology between electronic devices using radio frequencies. Owing to the secure elements on the NFC, it has provided the opportunity to develop the applications such as banking, entry/exit where a high level of security. In this study, it was investigated how Android platform, Android NFC support and the Java platform can be used for example control systems. It is aimed to be used NFC applications in places where using cards to enter and exit (schools, stadiums, office buildings, etc.). By making various improvements in this control mechanism, a different perspective is provided. The aim of the study is to prepare an interactive structure with the user, which provides easy transition with NFC Control Application. In this study, a
system was carried out for entrance and exit of schools which are managed and kept under the control by a phone that allows
NFC support. With this system, a faster and more reliable structure is presented.
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